Top 10 of the Best iOS10 Updates

Top 10 of the Best iOS10 Updates

Apple has yet again upped its market with the introduction of its latest: the iPhone 7 and iOS 10. Apple has always prided itself on its products and their ease of use, especially with the popular iPhones. Sleek and elegant design, smooth user interface, extra fast processors that can make simple and even complicated actions easy-peasy. It’s the future in our very hands.

With the introduction of iOS 10, we have looked at the improvements that Apple has to offer. Of course, it’s not saying that the previous ones are not as good, but you know what they say: “Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away”. Without further ado, here are the top 10 best features and updates from iOS 10.

Schedule your sleep

The new bedtime feature that can be found in the clock app of your iPhone can help you get in the rhythm of your sleeping time and waking up time. In the long run, this can be extremely helpful in terms of health, body routine and getting enough rest.

Manage “read” receipts in iMessage

You can now have more options in the settings of your iMessage feature. For instance, the “read” receipts can be controlled and removed in the message settings by clicking the “i” functionality. You can turn the read receipts on and off depending on your convenience, which is something we did not have on the previous OS.

New and improved iMessage

To further showcase the additional functionalities of iMessage, this exclusive Apple messaging system has become even better and improved. You can now send hand written messages and live drawings from the messaging app itself to anyone who also has iMessage that runs on the same OS. It’s a cool and fun way to communicate.

Deletable system apps

Do you ever find the system apps unhelpful and unnecessary that they basically just take up storage space? Worry no more. You can delete some system apps that you are not using, such as Stocks, Home, Podcasts, Reminders and other system apps that may or may not be regularly used. These apps can be re-downloaded from the App Store. Neat.

Quicker access to camera

Access to you camera has never been swifter and easier. In the previous OS apps, you can access the camera by clicking or swiping the camera icon from the lock screen. This time, from the lock screen, just swipe to the left and you got yourself a quick access to the camera anytime.

Save storage space

Although the download storage of iOS10 requires around 4GB of available space, with the OS itself at around 1.2GB, you will notice that installing the OS would compress the storage of some of the apps. System apps can be deleted. Storage can be compressed and the OS itself eats smaller usage when already installed. This will allow you to have more space for personal use.

Make your notes collaborative

One of the major up skills of iOS10 can be found in the Notes system application, where you can add another user via iCloud and make the note collaborative. This is perfect for brainstorming, notes, listing and organizing activities with your family, friends or colleagues. This can be perfect for both personal and work-related tasks.

People, places and things in your photos

The Photos section of iOS10 has also seen a wide improvement, especially in the tagging feature. In the previous OS, geo-tagging is made possible by sorting your photos by the places you took them. Now, sorting is also done by facial recognition functionality where it can display a collection of photos from identified faces. Pretty cool.

Use your camera as a magnifier

A handy feature from iOS10 is the magnifier function that will allow you to magnify using the camera. This can come in really helpful especially for reading small letters or looking at small objects. You can activate this through Settings > General > Accessibility > Magnifier and triple tapping the Home Button.

Maps, maps, maps

Of course, one of the biggest features of Apple from its previous operating systems up to now is the Maps. We find that this is the one feature that has continuous improvement and this is mostly because this functionality can be extremely helpful to everyone. Maps have been improvised in many ways, including their integration to other apps such as calendar and other third-party apps.

Because of its elegance and sleek design, iPhone has become a status quo – but it definitely lives up to being a status quo. Meaning when you choose Apple, you choose all of its awesome features and the high-tech operating system that it runs on. No doubt, Apple has again outdone itself on this one.