Free Entertainment Apps for Your Phone

Free Entertainment Apps for Your Phone

The great thing about today’s technology is that entertainment is within our reach, anywhere and anytime. This means no dull moment. No boring or awkward situations. When things seem quiet and boring, we can just pull out our gadgets and be entertained, no matter how remote the area may be.

Smartphones are the ones to lead the pack in ways of real-time entertainment. We can’t bring our televisions anywhere. We can’t bring our laptops or entertainment systems just about anywhere, but we can bring our mobile phone with us all the time. Because of this, we get to be entertained anytime we like with just a few taps on the screen, and for free. Here are free entertainment apps for your phone.


This is way too easy. Netflix would probably top any entertainment app lists out there. With hundreds of movies, series, episodes, documentaries, and any film available, this app surely takes movies on-the-go to a whole new level. Of course, Netflix is free to download but registration and account would require payments but it’s all worth it, that is for sure.


Spotify is for music as Netflix is for movies. Do you get where this is going? Spotify is a music app with a wide selection of international and popular music that can get you going on-the-go.

You can listen to countless music of different genre for long hours up until your mobile battery drains out. Wait, there’s more. Registering to a paid account will also allow you to take your favorite music offline. Cool, yeah?


HBO Now is exactly what you think it is – an app for HBO shows and other movies or documentaries. Kind of like Netflix but this has more shows from your HBO favorites. The app is free to download, of course, and for only $15 every month, you have unlimited access to all HBO shows that you are following and more. Catchy.


Who would even forget the great app that is Youtube? Youtube – the future generation in our present. It is a bank of video clips – short and long – that is totally free.

You also have unlimited access to all the videos available on the site, especially when you set up your own Youtube login, preferably a Google email address. Kill time by browsing through video after video, and even if they are all not on the same genre.


Ever wonder what is the name of the song playing over and over in your head or in the background and you just can’t seem to find its title? Worry no more. With Shazam, say goodbye to background music and tunes that won’t leave your head for days on end. Shazam can tell you the exact title of the song with just a few notes. Oh, and it is absolutely free to download.


Moviefone is exactly as its name would suggest. It is an application that allows you to access movies on your mobile phone from your other storage devices, preferably a computer, if these devices are connected to the Moviefone account. Online or offline, you can watch your favorite movies from your storage devices to your mobile and never lose a second not watching your favorite videos.

Temple Run

Who would even forget about games for entertainment apps? For simple and entertaining games that can keep you preoccupied for hours on end, we recommend the game Temple Run. The objective of the game is simple: run, run, run; don’t get caught; don’t fall down; don’t die. The mechanics may be simple but the excitement will certainly keep you busy for a while.


For those who enjoy following podcasts and have your own set of podcasts to listen to every day, podcast apps are free to download and subscribe to your favorite channels.

Kill time during traffic or listen to your favorite shows while working with podcast apps.


Books lovers and bookworms enjoy the on-the-go feature of many books available online. No need to bring around heavy books – you can read these books on your mobile. Download the eBook application “Kindle” and get access to thousands and thousands of free books to read during your free time. Bookworms unite.


How about the latest on social media? While Facebook and Instagram have made their names on the social media world, the new rising star is Snapchat. Because of its unique and simple features, many people have signed up for this social media and downloaded the app for free. Stay up to date with celebrities.

Say goodbye to boring, dull, and awkward-alone moments that will make you gape absentmindedly around you. Your smartphone can take you places even when you just stay where you are. Stay entertained for free and download these apps now.